We started out with a Matchbox bus. We're working our way up to a real bus or RV. ~The Browns

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Next trade: Antique china?

The ebay trade ends on Friday night. So far Tess from Kansas is still interested in the bath tub. We're thrilled Tess needs and wants this lovely antique tub of ours! She's going to send me a photo of the china. We'll post the photo, if we get a chance. But either way there will be pictures of something soon! It doesn't get any cooler than folks trading with us and believing in our dream...

Photo: a photo I borrowed from an ebay auction. Should be similar to Tess' china.

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We started with a toy Matchbox bus and will keep trading items until we trade up to (you guessed it) a real bus." ~The Brown Family